Saturday, April 23, 2011


Today marks the second anniversary of our marriage. I can't believe it's already been a year since the last anniversary card I made for my husband. Time flies when you're having fun...and a baby! I'm glad no matter how busy and all-over-the-place I am, I still found some time to make him this card, coz every time he receives one from me, I will end up feeling over the moon with his gushing compliments and appreciation. Now that's what I call LOVE. Ever since I got to know Haikal and especially so after marriage, he doesn't fail to define the meaning of love in his own ways... it's not about gifts he presents me, nor a candle light dinner or even poetic letters and cards (by the way, I am still awaiting that handmade card.....!); it's the little and caring gestures he does that assure me that I am one lucky girl to have chosen him as my life partner. 
Happy 2nd Anniversary, Love!

I realised that the card I made him on our first anniversary was also red; don't you think it's the nature of the color that simply exuberates love!


Saturday, April 16, 2011

We're now open for Mother's Day card orders!

Almost six months being a mother now, the surreality of it all still lingers. Having my baby girl is one of the greatest gift I could ask for, with that, also came the greatest responsibility.  This past six months have been nothing but wonders, as I see my baby grow from that tiny newborn to a cheerful and happy baby who never fails to ease my tiredness away, especially after a long day at work. 

As I discover myself even more through motherhood, I find myself thinking of my own mother, of how she had gone through (still is) motherhood with all five of us! I've said it before, and I will keep saying it again, I appreciate her much more now that I am a mother myself. Unconditional love used to be just a phrase I read in books, but a mother's love truly is one with no strings attached.

So let's tell our mothers how much we appreciate and love them with a personalised card this coming Mother's Day. I can't wait for the day my baby girl makes me her first card!

Place your orders with us at before 1st May 2011.


Sunday, April 3, 2011

12 years and counting

Once again, the yearly event that we definitely can't miss - our birthdays! Mel and I have known each other for......hmm let's see, 12 long years! Doesn't feel like that long till you say it out loud. 12 years, so much have changed, I can't even believe it. Besides Buttons & Ribbons Paperie, our birthdays would be the next most special thing for us (we were born 2 days apart). Each year, we make it a point to have a meal together and exchange little gifts. Though our lives have moved on since our JC days, we are pretty much the same inside. I hope, with all my heart, that our friendship will continue to grow stronger throughout the years and we can celebrate our 80th birthday together (I'm not even going to try to imagine how we'd look like)!


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